The original meaning of the word sanctuary is a sacred place. A modified meaning of this word is a safe place.

In current political conversations, this word has been bastardized to mean a haven for anyone. Currently, the word sanctuary has become to mean a place where anyone, lawful or lawless is allowed a safe place to be, regardless of what is in their hearts.

When I went to public high school back in the day, school was a sanctuary. It was my safe haven. I spent countless hours in the band room, theater, and in the library. My sanctuary was a safe place to read, play, practice and rehearse my music, and backstage building sets or running lines on stage with fellow thespians.

I did not have to worry about being bothered with inappropriate assaults or attacks. I did not have to feel like I could not express myself. I knew that the adult supervisors and teachers were there to look out for me. I knew the resource officer and security team were constantly roaming the halls of my school. It was to the point that you knew you couldn’t get away with anything because there were adults around and no one was going to mess with us kids.

Today it is a totally new game. You see my county is a “Sanctuary County”. I did not know this until a few years ago. I was recounting my crazy medic unit ride one Sunday night.

I am an EMT and I was driving the medic unit for my Sunday night shift.  We got a call for a person who was “ETOH”. The person was drunk and needed a ride to the hospital, he was mildly unresponsive , hence the call went to the medic unit. When we got there the young man( 5 foot and maybe 110 lbs soaking wet) was responsive to pain but would not move on his own. The security guard said he was unruly with patrons at the bar and then went “unconscious”. They had checked him for weapons before we arrived and said he was clear.

We proceeded down the road towards the hospital which was 5 minutes away. I had not gone a few blocks when I looked in my mirror and saw that the medic and EMTs in the back were getting kicked and hit. I called for help over the radio and let them know we were bailing out of the unit. My medic had been trying to get orders for Narcan in order to quiet this young man’s super-human strength. That and other signs pointed to drug use. Later it was confirmed that he had PCP on board. We ended up getting a police officer who then proceeded to taze the guy 3 times… our patient/attacker continued to go at the police officer. Finally other units and police arrived. They got the man down and we gave him the Narcan which worked like a charm. We were able to put him in the unit and move on to the hospital. One of the EMTs had been kicked so forcefully and continuously that she had shoe print bruises on her thighs.

I recounted this story to a friend who is a police officer. I asked him what happens to undocumented people who get arrested for assault and other crimes.  He told me that a few years back they were told that they were not allowed to call ICE anymore when they arrested a criminal who happened to be undocumented. As per the county executive’s orders. This is what sanctuary means now.

Those undocumented young men who were dropped into a freshmen public school class by the federal government(Thanks Obama) and proceeded to rape and sodomize an innocent child? Those men are here and in our school because Rockville is a sanctuary city.

The left has changed the meaning of the word sanctuary. For public servants trying to do their jobs and get the beat down, sanctuary means the city, town, county or state will harbor criminals, not vet incoming students, hide any bad people without alerting authorities over providing us with the tools we need to do our jobs.  I and all those people on that medic unit are volunteers. We don’t get paid, we could have had worse and more debilitating injuries had we not had proper training and all thought and acted quickly. For students in public schools, sanctuary means that bad people who do not assimilate to the culture, norms and laws are infiltrating any safe place you thought you had. Students in my county don’t know what danger lurks behind the eyes of a new student who suddenly appears in the middle of the year.

What many female students now understand is that Sanctuary does not apply to them. What female students now understand is that sanctuary can be hell. What one young girl lived through and had the courage to tell administrators about immediately, the sanctuary of school was a living hell. Now she (14 yo girl) has to live through the second living hell, the lawyers of her attackers(18 and 17 yo men- we don’t even know if that is their real ages since they have no documentation at all) are saying she wanted the attention and attacks. This right here just makes me want to vomit. The lawyer is implying that this child want to be forced into a mens bathroom raped and sodomized over a toilet and told not to tell anyone. What kind of , excuse my language, piece of crap can live with himself and say that! Rockville may consider itself a sanctuary city. However the citizens in this town, who pay taxes, who work hard , who drop their kids off at “a safe place called school”, may no longer consider that place to be  a sanctuary.

Indeed, I think the politicians and school administrators, can lie and white wash the truth to try and paint a rosy picture. But they have not done all they can do to keep the students safe. In attempting to be politically correct and “tolerant” they have offered up our children, particularly, this young lady as a sacrifice on the altar of their politics. They seem to try to be going about business as usual and justifying any poor choices they have made.

Our Superintendent, Jack Smith,  referred to the attack as an event. An event is a party, a concert, a play, a meeting. This was a brutal attack, a tragic moment and unforgettable nightmare for this young girl and by extension her family. My heart goes out to her and her family. Mr Smith’s use of such a term is more evidence that the school does not care and will not change their way of thinking and doing things.

This is a great moment to consider School vouchers or home schooling as an option. If the county public schools cannot or refuse to keep the children safe and prefer to use tax dollars on people who don’t appreciate it, let me chose where my education money goes.

I certainly will not be supporting a sanctuary anything: city ,school, or  state. Until the county, state and country begins to use the proper words. Sanctuary means a sacred and safe place. What the politicians and administrators are creating is anything but a sanctuary. They are creating an unsafe , lawless and chaotic place.

I am so sick over this. I am praying for this young lady, praying for our country…