ragtimeThis is what we are listening to tonight. Some nights when my oldest daughter and I are “doing our homework” which translates to writing, blogging or exercising our writing muscles, we take tunes picking songs to listen to as we work on our craft.

Ragtime overture or opening number is usually one of the top five. She usually goes for a Fosse number next. We love Chicago, FOSSE,  and Cabaret.  Then we branch out to Fiddler on the Roof, Sound of Music, Hairspray,  and Mary Poppins. After that it is a crazy mix from the 1920’s all the way through to the music of the 21st century. I like that she enjoys all sorts of music. We sing and sometimes we get up and dance, stomp our feet and tap a few numbers.

I’m really blessed to have a good and goofy relationship with my 16-year-old daughter. I’m glad I don’t embarrass her too much.

She says she is proud to have me as her mom. I wish I had half the good relationship with my own mom that she does now with me.

Not dwelling on that just being very grateful for the gift.

And like that the music helps us complete our respective ” homework” now we sing and dance to the Broadway version of “All that Jazz”.

Now it is time for serious writing. So I will say goodnight to one and all 🙂