My baby girl is growing up.

I found a picture of Jules, my mom, and I on a White house tour when My hubby was a UD (Secret Service) officer.

1395925492439There she is with her curly hair. She must be about 2 yrs old.  Mom still looks healthy( at least it was before her diagnosis.

Jules loved to be where the activity was. She did not ever want to nap or miss out on what was happening. She looks in this picture like she just woke up. When Phil was in the Secret Service, we were constantly going on White House tours, taking pictures at the podium, strolling through the House.

So years have gone  by since then. My baby’s world has changed so much.  Her grand mom fought along and  hard battle against cancer and is no longer with us. she now has two siblings. she was homeschooled for a majority of her education and now is in high school.

This is her Junior year but a lot of her friends are graduating so she is going to Prom tonight with her buds.

Here she is with her Band Buddies getting ready for Prom.

So excited that she is a good kid who found some very good friends.

It is a fun thing they are going together a group of 14 only 3 of the girls had dates the rest 5 girls and two guys did not. They are all friend and  I am sure they will have a blast.

I was talking with my sister and she commented how lucky I was because neither she nor I were “good kids” like Jules and her peeps.

They are going to after prom sponsored by the PTA and later plan to go to Ihop for

breakfast! She is going to be loads of fun tomorrow, or probably will sleep all day!


DSCF3484All I can say is I am a very happy momma…. with a little tear in my eye because my baby girl is growing up!