Category: snow day

We got a good amount of snow this February.  Actually we started getting snow in December and it has been an on again off again relationship. Snow then sunshine and unseasonably warm days.

Today is one of those gorgeous days where the weatherman said it would get up into the 60’s. Sixty degrees Fahrenheit. YUP 2014-02-13 07.01.01 2014-02-14 15.43.46

There is still a good amount of snow on the ground which has been a fun medium for our art classes and has proved to be an excellent border for the hens. It works like an invisible fence. The hens hope over the fence land on the snow, then play a game of lava to get back to the path i have carved closer to the house.

My oldest was sick for most of it so she missed the snow. She was happy to be at her lap top writing so she did not miss it. She took the opportunity to work on her craft. She loves to write.

Philip and Pam though took full advantage of the time in the snow . 2014-02-13 11.49.26We made snowmen, snow hens, a snow fort with a slide( courtesy of the plow!), and an art project.

I had the kids plan a snow sculpture together. On the sunny day after president’s day , the kids went out and planned a sculpture, they planned to sculpt a Pokemon.

Mostly, they spent a lot of time gathering snow and shoveling which was a bonus work out. They got down to business and created this cool creature (below).

1392743386620DSCF3346It was fun to have some snow and spend some “snow days” crafting, playing, baking, reading and drinking cocoa.

However, I think we all agree we are ready for sunshine and spring.

I am ready to be back on a regular schedule and to start on my garden… give me some spring!

While our german shepherd loves the snow but the hens cold do without it!


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Last Saturday morning, I had experienced some chest pains. Much like when I was in labor, I tried my best to walk away as fast as I could from the pain. Sadly, walking faster, cleaning the house more vigorously,  nor studying harder would make this pain in my chest go away.After  almost two hours of hot pain in my chest, I called my medic friend and asked her to meet me at the rescue squad.

She was going to reassure me that I was okay.

Ha! The minute she saw me in the parking lot, she knew I was going to the hospital by my face and the color that had almost completely drained from it.

She convinced me to go and I am glad she did. they transported me and the new medics who were actually on duty did an outstanding job.

For anyone who knows me, especially the medics whom I drive, they know I hate hospitals. For me to agree to go to our local ER , there was something definitely wrong that needed to be addressed.

I can’t even tell you how many times, I have been driving Kate, Jerry , or Sunyong and have commented ” I hate hospitals!”… In fact, I say it every time I walk through the doors( as an aside to the medic not out loud to the patients.).

So my compliance confirmed her suspicions  that truly I was not well.

A quick ride to the hospital after some baby aspirin and I was in a bed in the ER. My friends on the medic unit and in the ER took good care of me. Nitro patch was applied after the EKG.

My husband came in and I realized, there were things to be done but they were in his hands today. I guess the nitro worked a little too well in that my blood pressure had dropped and all that was left in me was to ask him to turn the light down and bring me some water. VERY COMPLIANT!

The next day they sent me home with an aspirin a day regimen and I had to promise I’d get in to see a cardiologist asap.

After all that hoopla, I was ready to go home. After all the health fairs I had participated in doing health screenings, especially for the Sister to Sister group, I was the one going home with the warnings about everything that I must do.

The first thing that all the docs said to me was to slow down and drop some of my activities.

The one thing I have done is given myself plenty of time so I don’t feel rushed. If I am late, I start to do some deep breathing and think about how a few minutes of worry will solve absolutely nothing.

I have not been back to the rescue squad for duty yet. I plan to go in this Sunday for a few hours. My girlfriends were mad that I did not call them when this happened. The truth is it happened so fast and I was really not completely with it.  As I spoke with Rhonda about Sunday she asked when I would be there, I said noon to six… no five. She laughed and said “You are learning!”1390843956431

I am learning.

I have always known that I was lucky to have wonderful kids and husband  and good health. I refuse to squander it rushing around trying to do for others all the time. I have learned to set limits and not feel guilty about not committing to extra duties of any sort outside the home. I am learning to  have balance: that means some time for myself and saying no when I need to.

Trying to eat more greens.  Spending more time with my family and much less time worrying about everything that really is out of my control. I have been able to look at a snow day as a gift to really explore the day and the things that interest my kids the most. (Usually I would make them do morning school work then play.

We went for a hike while it was snowing and it was the most peaceful and chatty walk for all. It was a nice break from all the rushing around.

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Now we are looking forward to some possible snow tomorrow night, we have all talked about what we want to do on that snow day should we get it. The agenda includes, hiking, sledding, reading , baking cookies, some crafting, and enjoying the “free” day.