Our kids  are growing up fast.  Some days both my husband and I agree they are growing too fast.
I can remember my sister-in-law, whose oldest was just a year older than ours, say “don’t blink!”. Seeing Julia growing  into a lovely young lady is the most frightening thing to me. While we watch a Friday Bride day show and comment on the bride’s dresses and how rude the family or “entourage” as they are referred to can be. I am afraid that soon we will be looking for dresses in earnest!

Our son just got a hair cut which makes him look more innocent than his age, he is growing up too. he is the only one ( maybe because he is the middle child) has no desire to “grow up”. His body however is not cooperating. he is just 14 and is as tall as his dad! He is always saying he is afraid to grow up but takes responsibility for things just the same.

Our youngest is away at sleep away dance camp for a week. She has always been the sunshine child. Smiling every morning and happy to greet us all. It has been hard for us to see our “baby” off to overnight camp.

Well she called this morning, a bit down that she missed us. Called again later. Then called on her bestie’s phone because her phone ran out of batteries. She seems to want to come home.

I am so torn. Each child is different. I have always encouraged my kids to do things even if it was a little “more” than they were used to. Today was tough. I realized it was tough for me because I reached for the peanut butter! Open face PB&J. That was my prescription for the angst I felt when I heard her sad little voice, ” Can you call  Ms. S? Please I am homesick”. OH, My heart aches. I told her that she should chat with her if she was having a problem. I told her that I loved her and missed her as well but I hoped she would have a fun time. I reminded her I was running errands which she hates to do and she was having fun.  Finally I spoke with her pal. She was supportive of Pam. Pam agreed to stay and try another night.

Now I  have that empty feeling in my stomach. nerves.

I am sure she will be fine. I mean when we left she seemed fine.

Dropping little sis off!

Dropping little sis off!

We will see how this saga ends. My hopes are that she stays and her dad is supportive of letting her stay and stick it out. It is the mature thing to do. I don’t want her to feel like she can quit anything if she  misses home.  I want her to learn to complete what she has begun. I hope she doesn’t hate me when she is done. I can say that here. I can’t admit that anywhere else. Her Dad wants her to come home. He said so when we dropped her off. I think it is him not wanting her to stay that is the tug on this end.

My bottom line is I don’t want her to be a quitter, I want her to fight the urges to come home and win the battle. It is one of the many battles of growing up.

Praying she keeps busy and has fun today!

Meanwhile we are teaching the chicks to run out to the “pasture” on their own. they are learning.

The pasture is my front yard and garden. They do love it out there. The girls sun themselves, find worms and other goodies. they like the shade of the butterfly bush. They are funny they like to huddle together even if they have a lot of space! crazy chicks! Sadly number 8 (Mabel) is a tardy chick and has not developed proper feathers or grown much. We are past the point of culling her. My husband says to me “It is your fault. You should have left her in there with the others, they would have taken care of her”. Yeah. Explain to your youngest why her Mabel is dead in the cage! I was not letting that happen.

Though I know that is the nature of chickens.

As a parent I guess I could have left Mabel in there and it would have been a life lesson about survival. I just think in this modern and urban environment, I could not see that lesson through.

So for now Mabel is in her own tank with a heat lamp water and food. Surviving!!!! because of human intervention. What lesson will they learn from this?

The others are learning to run in and out of their current home soon to be moved to their new digs. A real coop. made by my husband.2013-07-09 12.15.23

Cedar shingles!

Cedar shingles!

2013-07-04 08.16.04 2013-07-08 10.25.27There are a lot of things happening here. I just hope my baby girl can find it in her to enjoy her days and get some rest it is only four more days…